Personal Development Journey

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Write your CV and Motivation Letter
  • Write professional e-mails.
  • Explain the 6 steps to get scholarship.
  • Define effective presentation.
  • Identify tips for writing personal strategic plan.
  • Define effective communication.
  • Write 5 strategies to enhance your communication.
  • Online 15-hour course
  • 10 hours main content and 5 hours of self-study
  • The course is taught over 4 days via the Zoom platform.
  • The course is taught mainly in English with Arabic explanations when required.
  • The course starts on February 1st, 2021

About the trainer: Dr. Mohamed Al-Kafafy

  • Certified trainer from City College of Oxford, UK.
  • Has successfully carried out training and workshops around the world, including countries like Egypt, Germany, Nigeria, Somalia, Turkey and Iraq.

To participate in this course, please register below: